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  • Staff Qualification

    The company's technical and management strength, with doctoral students, master's degree, more than MBA senior management, research and development engineers, non-destructive testing engineers, physical and chemical testing engineers, engaged in steel industry for many years, with advanced management concepts and rich experience in production, Product research and development capabilities and core technology. The company attaches great importance to the follow-up technical force training and reserves, has sent several batches of technical backbone, to participate in national, provincial professional and technical training and further studies to continuously enhance the company's technical talent reserve force. The company has supply nuclear power plant five, to meet the high-end use of the production and testing requirements.

    Since the founding of the company, the state state testing center to do the quality of the Bureau of training practice base, has held a number of national and provincial physical and chemical, non-destructive testing training activities.

    Company technical staff accounted for more than 30% of the total number of employees.

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