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  • Austenitic/Super austenitic stainless steel
    Austenitic stainless steel pipe has stable austenite structure at normal temperature, the steel contains about 18% of Cr, more than 8% Ni, about 0.1% C, it possesses very high corrosion resistance, good cold workability and good toughness, plastic, ...
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    Duplex/Super duplex stainless steel
    Duplex stainless steel tube/super duplex stainless steel tube is composed by and phrase organization of the austenitic and ferritic about half and half of the proportion. For It possessed both austenite and ferrite stainless steel characteristics, so...
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    Corrossion resistant alloy
    Nickel base alloy has high content such as Cr, Ni, Mo, and so on. It has good comprehensive properties in high temperature and high corrosive environment, such as strong resistance to acid alkali corrosion ability; good resistance to high temperatu...
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    pipe fitting
    Pipe products mainly include: elbow, tee, reducer, pipe cap, O-let, etc.,Flange products mainly include: butt welding flange, with flat welding neck flange, socket welding neck flange, butt welding band neck loose flange, plate, flat welding flange, ...
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